What is a salve/balm?

A salve or balm is basically something applied topically to support the skin. Both are made with oils and waxes to create a semi-solid material. To keep them shelf stable and thick, there typically isn’t any liquid content, except when a small amount of tincture is added. Salves and balms may also contain herb infused oils or essential oils for added support and benefits. 

What is the difference between a salve and a balm?

Salves and balms are similar topical products that are made with natural oils, butters, and beeswax. The main difference between them is that salves are softer and more oily, while balms are firmer and more waxy. Salves are better for moisturizing skin, while balms are better for sealing in moisture and creating a barrier against environmental irritants.

What is an 'Artisanal' product? 

It is a product produced either completely by hand or with the help of hand-tools or even mechanical means, as long as the direct manual contribution of the artisan/maker, remains the most substantial component of the finished product. 'Handcrafted' is another way of saying it. 

Why do salves and balms melt?

Our all-natural products have a melting point of 80 degrees because there are NO toxic stabilizers nor preservatives in them. However, melting will not affect the integrity or effectiveness of the product! Simply pop the salve or balm in the refrigerator for 15-30mins and the product will solidify once again, without compromising it's integrity! 

What are these crystals?

Our balms and salves contain either shea butter or mango butter, and occasionally with extreme temperature fluctuations, some crystallization can occur in these hard fats, which can be removed by tempering (like chocolate!) Although, if you find white streaks in a part of the balm that you have touched previously, that could possibly indicate bacterial growth. Please make sure to always wash your hands before applying the balms and salves! Application is recommended after a bath or shower for best absorption and results.